Dr. Siba Samal
Pathogenic avian viruses represent a major threat to the poultry industry worldwide. Avian Virology book provides a timely update on all of the most important avian viruses, including avian influenza virus, infectious bronchitis virus, Newcastle disease virus, infectious bursal disease virus, chicken anemia virus, infectious laryngotracheitis virus, avian adenovirus, Marek's disease virus, avian reovirus, avian pox virus, avian leukosis virus, avian metapneumovirus, and avian paramyxoviruses. The chapters are written by internationally recognized experts from all over the world. Each chapter covers the current knowledge on the history, genome organization, viral proteins, genetics, epizootiology, pathogenesis, immunity, diagnosis, prevention, and control. and future challenges of these viruses. The book closes with a fascinating chapter that reviews the recent advances on avian immune responses of virus infection. This book is an invaluable reference source of timely information for students, virologist, immunologists, veterinarians, and scientists working on avian diseases. It is also highly recommended for all veterinary school and university libraries. Avian Virology is published by Caister Academic Press. The book can be ordered from https://www.caister.com/order