Degree Programs
The Department of Veterinary Medicine under the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) at the University of Maryland is home to the Comparative Biomedical Sciences (CBSC) Graduate Program (Code : VMSC). The Department of Veterinary Medicine is the Maryland Campus of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine.
The VMSC program offers both Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees. Members of the VMSC Graduate Program faculty specialize in a wide range of research interests in infectious diseases and zoonoses, including cell and molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, virology, and poultry health management and disease prevention.
The Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine offers a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program where future veterinarians discover their role in an exciting and varied profession through challenging academics, active and collaborative learning, and a community-supported journey to a life of service.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Applicants with a minimum of B.S. or equivalent or a higher degree in biological or medical sciences may be admitted to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program. Candidates must complete the minimum course requirements of 24 credits (for candidates with B.S. or equivalent degree) or 12 credits (for candidates with MPH, M.S. or a D.V.M., M.D. or equivalent degree) in addition to a minimum of 12 dissertation research credits (VMSC 899).
During the first semester in the Ph.D. program, the student will select an advisor and, with the help of that advisor, will form an Advisory Committee. By the end of the second semester, the student will submit a dissertation research proposal and must meet with the Advisory Committee to approve a plan of study.
Students are required to take both a written and oral comprehensive examination for advancement to candidacy and must submit and defend their Ph.D. dissertation in partial fulfillment of the doctoral degree. A student must be admitted to candidacy for the doctorate within five years of admission to the Ph.D. program and within at least six months of the date on which the degree will be conferred. It is the responsibility of the student to submit an application for admission to candidacy when all the requirements for candidacy have been fulfilled. Applications for admission to candidacy are to be made in duplicate by the student and submitted to the graduate program for further action and transmission to the Graduate School.
Application forms may be obtained at the Graduate School, Room 2123, Lee Building, or through the Graduate School website.
Paperwork must be received by the Graduate School prior to the 25th of the month in order for the advancement to become effective on the first day of the following month. Doctoral candidates are automatically registered for six (6) credits of Doctoral Dissertation Research (899), for which students pay the flat candidacy tuition.
Prior to the final dissertation oral examination, candidates must present at a public seminar. Details on the Graduate School policy on the Doctoral Dissertation and Examination may be found in the Graduate School Catalog.
Dissertations are to be submitted to the Graduate School in electronic format after final approval of the dissertation by the Dissertation Examining Committee. See the University of Maryland Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) website or the University of Maryland Thesis and Dissertation Style Guide for the details of this process.
Master of Sciences (MS)
Master of Sciences (MS)
During the first semester in the Master of Sciences program the student will select an advisor, and with the help of that advisor, will form an Advisory Committee to be approved by the program’s Graduate Education Committee. By the end of the second semester, with the aid of the Advisory Committee, the student will file a proposed schedule of course work.
- Course work should include at least one seminar credit (VMSC 698)
- Degree requires a minimum of 24 semester credits, 6 hours of thesis research credits (VMSC 799), and 3 credits of graduate biometrics or biochemistry
- No fewer than 12 credits should be from courses level 600 courses or higher
- No more than 2 credits of Special Problems (VMSC 699) are permitted as part of the 24-credit requirement
- At least 12 credits must be earned in the major subject
Students in the Master of Sciences program must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or better in courses taken for graduate credit. The committee may require remedial courses if the student enters with inadequate prerequisites or deficiencies in the undergraduate program. By the end of the second semester, a thesis research proposal must be approved and filed. The student must present the thesis in a public seminar and pass a final oral examination given by the Advisory Committee. Details on the Graduate School policy on the Master's Thesis Examination may be found in the Graduate School Catalog. The thesis must be submitted to the Graduate School in electronic format after the final approval of the document by the Thesis Examining Committee. See the University of Maryland Thesis and Dissertation Style Guide for the details of this process. Students with adequate undergraduate training typically complete the Master of Sciences program within two years.
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
Students interested in pursuing a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree may apply to the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine. The veterinary college is a joint program administered through the University of Maryland and Virginia Tech. All classes are taught on the Virginia Tech campus in Leesburg and Blacksburg, VA.
Residents of Maryland and Virginia benefit from reduced tuition rates compared to “out-of-state” students.
For more information on prerequisite requirements and application, please visit the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine Resources for Prospective Students.
Pre-Vet Program
Pre-Vet Program
Please visit the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences to learn more about the Univeristy of Maryland's Pre-Vet Program.